Can your negative BKR registration be deleted?

Removing a BKR registration

Removing a BKR registration

Whether you are purchasing a new home or taking out a loan, when you are stopped by a negative BKR registration, you only have one wish: ‘I want to delete my BKR registration! ”And the good news is that there are options for this.

Do you want to know how you can delete a BKR registration and what the costs are? Then read on below.

Would you rather speak to one of our advisors immediately to assess what we can do for you? Please call us on telephone number 088-426 3737 or complete the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Removing a BKR registration

The simple answer to the question of whether a BKR registration can be deleted is: ‘yes! It is possible to have a negative BKR registration removed .”

Are you taking out a loan for an amount higher than € 250 with a term longer than one month? This will then be registered in the BKR Foundation system and you will have a BKR registration.

The moment a registration is placed, this is a positive registration. In most cases, this will not have a negative impact on your ability to obtain a mortgage or a new loan. Is there a payment arrears on the registered credit? The lender will then have to report this with a BKR coding . From that moment on, there is a negative BKR registration. In most cases, a negative BKR registration will cause an obstacle.

The BKR records not only credit data but also personal data with each credit registration. A BKR registration shows the name and address details of a consumer. This processing of personal data ensures that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. Under the GDPR it is possible to object to the processing of personal data and thus the visibility of the BKR registration. The lender must weigh up interests at the time of objection. In this assessment, they must weigh the interests of the processing of personal data (the maintenance of the BKR registration) against the interests of deleting personal data (the removal of the negative BKR registration).

Removing a BKR registration is not easy. You will have to meet a number of requirements before a negative BKR registration can be deleted early. For example, the loan in question must have been repaid, there must be a (current) financially stable situation and there must be a reason to delete the BKR registration. Simply put, we must be able to demonstrate to the lender that you cannot wait for the five-year period after which a negative BKR registration is automatically deleted.

Can you have a legitimate BKR registration removed?

The first step in a legal procedure is often checking the correctness of the negative BKR registration. It may happen that the lender has aincorrect BKR codinghas posted, that there are incorrect dates on the BKR overview or that no end date has (yet) been reported. These are all factors that can influence the severity of the obstacle that the BKR registration can entail.

Even if a negative BKR registration has been correctly placed, it can still be challenged through legal proceedings. You can delete a BKR registration for both justified and unjustified BKR registrations.

Remove BKR registration from ABN AMRO, Rabobank or other major bank

Do you have a BKR registration from ABN AMRO Bank NV, Rabobank or another major bank on your BKR overview? Then this will, just like with other BKR registrations, cause an obstacle. A BKR registration from a major bank can be placed due to an overdraft on the account, loan, mortgage etc.

Removing a BKR registration from a major bank is the same as removing any other BKR registration. Here too, a legal procedure is followed and the major bank is written to with a legal request to have the negative BKR registration removed.

How does it work to delete a BKR registration?

Have you requested the BKR overview and have you come to the conclusion that a negative BKR registration is visible that is preventing you from realizing your future plans? Then removing a BKR registration is a first step. With a negative BKR registration, the lender will in most cases not grant a mortgage or loan and removing a BKR registration is the only solution.

CoderingVrij can help you remove the BKR registration. As a legal service provider, we have been active for over ten years and specialize in removing (negative) BKR registrations. Based on our years of experienceWe remove negative BKR registrations every day. During an extensive consultation with one of our advisors, the options for early removal of your negative BKR registration will be discussed. Do we see opportunities to help? Then a legal procedure can be started .

In almost 90% of cases, a case is settled through an amicable procedure. In an amicable procedure, you enter into a (written) discussion with the lender to have the negative BKR registration removed on the basis of the GDPR. You will be assigned a permanent lawyer during an amicable process. Together with the lawyer, you build a file and provide all information and documents necessary to strengthen the legal request. The aim is to convince the lender that maintaining the negative BKR registration for longer is not necessary.

Is there no positive response from the lender during the amicable process and is it important to remove the negative BKR registration? We would then be happy to discuss the options for a follow-up process. This could, for example, be a procedure at Kifid or a legal process with our partner HELIO Advocaten. A follow-up procedure provides certainty that a decision will be made by an independent party.

Would you like to know which route best suits your situation? Call us directly on telephone number 088-426 37 37 or fill in the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Have your negative BKR registration removed!

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How long does a BKR registration removal procedure take?

There is no set period for legal proceedings or the removal of a BKR registration. In some cases BKR removal can take place within a few weeks and in other cases it can take a little longer. This depends on a number of factors such as your own unique situation, the speed of file compilation, the need for prompt removal and the lender’s response speed. Lenders have a statutory response period of one month to respond to a legal request.

Because every situation is different, a precise term cannot be given. However, experience shows that for an accelerated procedure you can take into account a duration of 4 to 6 weeks and a regular procedure of 8 to 12 weeks. During a consultation with one of our advisors, we can estimate the possible time frame.

Find all the answers to the frequently asked BKR questions

Because every situation is different, we offer tailor-made solutions in every file. The price for a procedure can therefore differ per case. To dispute a negative BKR registration, you can take into account a target price of € 980. Do you want to know what the costs will be for your specific situation? Please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

To check whether you have a negative BKR registration, you can request your BKR overview . In three short steps you can request an overview and see what is registered in your name. Do you have questions about what is on the BKR overview? We are happy to help you with an explanation.

Because every situation is different, we offer tailor-made solutions in every file. The price for a procedure can therefore differ per case. To dispute a negative BKR registration, you can take into account a target price of € 980. Do you want to know what the costs will be for your specific situation? Please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

To check whether you have a negative BKR registration, you can request your BKR overview . In three short steps you can request an overview and see what is registered in your name. Do you have questions about what is on the BKR overview? We are happy to help you with an explanation.

Cost indication

Because every situation is unique, we offer tailor-made solutions in every file. The price for a procedure can therefore differ per case.

For the legal procedure to remove a BKR registration, you can take into account a target price of € 980. Would you like to know what we can do for you and what the costs will be for your specific situation? Please call us on telephone number 088-426 3737 or complete the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.